free skirt pattern for american girl dolls

Floral Skirt with Wide Waistband

Our dear Ivy is wearing a floral printed skirt with little flower accent on the side and tulle at the bottom. It is very easy to sew and looks great even with the top tucked in because of its wide elastic. This was inspired by a cute skirt (photo below) I saw at Target it so I thought I will make a mini-version of it.


My inspiration:


So here goes the tutorial:


1) Cut your fabric according to the following measurement. Hem the bottom of the main fabric and lining.

Main skirt and Lining

Height : 4 1/2 inches
Width : 28 inches

Height :2 1/2 inches
Width : 13.5 inches

Height :1 1/2 inch
Width : 60 inches

Elastic -1/2 inch wide cut at 10 1/2 inches long.

For the tulle, I used the roll kind that you can find at Hobby Lobby. You can see it at one of the photos below. It is actually easier to handle than the regular tulle that you buy at the fabric store. Please note that all seams are sewn at 1/4 inch seam allowance unless I say it otherwise.


2) Gather both the lining and main skirt for the fabric until both are the same width as the waistband.


3) Sew the tulle at the bottom of the lining. I did this by manually pleating the tulle as I sew along. I made sure that I left about half of tulle peeking out the lining. Just in case you ran out of tulle while sewing, you can just cut another strip and continue sewing.


4) The photo above shows the tulle after it’s been sewn. I ran out of tulle and had to cut another strip and it still looks pretty. So this is very forgiving, you do not have to be super exact about it.


5) Baste together the main skirt and lining to keep them together before sewing the waistband.


6) With right sides together, sew the waistband on the skirt.


7)Fold over the raw ends of the waistband about 1/4 inch and then turn to the other side and pin. Stitch close to the edge to finish the waistband.


8) After finishing the waistband, topstitch the upper part waistband about 1/8 inch from the edge. Make sure that when you finish the stitch, the elastic will still fit through the casing.


9) Feed the elastic through the casing with the help of safety pin. I purposely used a 1/2 inch elastic since I want the waistband to be wide.


9)With right sides together, sew the back seam to finish the skirt.

10) Make the yoyo flower using a circle that has a 2 inches diameter.


This is a close-up of the skirt with the wide elastic band, red flower on the side and tulle accent at the bottom. If you enjoy my tutorial, please PIN, LIKE or SHARE.